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Saturday, 04 March 2006



You were lucky not to have to watch the game on Canadian TV... I have the Center Ice Package and was hoping to get the MSG feed just for the LaFontaine ceremony. The boys at CBC did show most of the ceremony and handled it well. But, they kept going on about what a special night it was for... Tie Domi!!! That game was his 1,000th NHL game, the broadcasters were going on as if it were the ultimate sporting achievment, rather than an indictment of the last 20 years of NHL hockey.

Tom L


I am sorry for you, really. But, I think I understand your pain as the HNIC guys were still going on and on about it on Sunday before the Ottawa game.

All that attention for a sociopathic cheapshot artist and career jackass.... only in Toronto.



Dear Mr,

I'm an intern with startup widget 1000 and I created a news widget for New York Rangers News.
It's updated every hour with New York Rangers headlines from several different sports websites like ESPN, FOX Yahoo,etc. (Take a look: http://www.widget1000.com/)

Can we add New York Rangers blog to the widget,too? That means that every time you post to your blog the headline of the post will show up on the widget and link directly to your post.
Anyone who puts this widget on their start page or on their website will see your New York Rangers posts too. It's a powerful and free way to publicize your site.

Finally, would you add your New York Rangers News Widget to your site so that others can see it?
Everyone who grabs the widget will automatically link to you so it's great for your search engine rankings. Plus, it shows a lot of stories about New York Rangers and since it's updated every hour it is fresh and will make your site even more appealing than it already is.

What do you think?

Go New York Rangers

Anthony Bremond

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