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Tuesday, 04 October 2005



92 points doesn't sound like enough for 7th, now that there are no ties. It sounds more like 10th, maybe 9th.

Tom L


Interesting observation, but one I'm not sure is all that accurate.

Having run the numbers on last season in the NHL there were 340 ties recorded, which means there will be 170 more points (2 teams per tie = 1 more win in the standings) awarded this year over last if the same number of games reach overtime and are settled by shootout.

So, spread out over 30 teams this means that there will be a gross inflation of around 5.7 points per team in the standings over last year.

It took 91 points to make the playoffs last season in the east... or more accurately, it took 86 points, b/c the Sabres ended with 85 points in 9th place. 86 + 5.7 = 91.7 points.

So, I'm off by a little bit, using that metric.

Frankly, I think there will be fewer ties this year than last as goalscoring should be up and that should push more games to finish in 60 minutes.

With that in mind, if you look at the difference between the AHL standings from 2003-04 (w/ shootout) and 2002-03 (w/o shootout) there's a big difference in the number of OT games. 357 vs. 239, a full 33% reduction in the number of games that go to OT.

Taking that 5.66 pt. inflation and factoring in this reduction in OT games played reduces the change to just 3.77 pts (5.66 x 0.666).

Now, 91pts doesn't seem so far-fetched for making the playoffs I would think.

BTW, I hadn't actually run those numbers before posting this reply... I had to edit this a few times to make sure I'd worked the math through properly and present the right conclusions.

Thanks for stopping by and prompting me to actually think about this effect, because I honestly just threw a number up there. :)


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