On Sunday, Dr. Ron Paul was interviewed by George Stephanopolous, you know him, that former (and incompetent) White House Chief of Staff which makes him a perfect mouth-piece for the welfare/warfare state via their conduit at ABCNews.
The smarmy, glib, and rude manner in which he treats Ron Paul is enough to make you just want to shove his pancake makeup can down his friggin' throat.
It's one of those great moments where someone of decency and politeness is literally flabbergasted at the rudeness of this shameless whore when he challenges Georgie to bet every cent in his pocket against his victory. Me? I'm not much of a betting man, but I'm surely placing one here by increasing Dr. Paul's campaign coffers. You know, the one that currently has more money than John McCain, and would have more if Mitt Romney hadn't loaned himself $8 million.
Every day, this thing grows in new, strange, spontaneous ways. Paul's campaign is a reflection of the Stand Alone Complex that is the idea of liberty. He's as flabbergasted by the amount of support he has as he was by the sheer audacity of George Stephanopolous in the video linked above. He's tapping into the huge dissatisfaction with the direction our government is moving while the society is moving in a completely different direction.
People's freedom, in terms of their ability to acquire the goods and services they want when they want them at the prices they want them, is increasing as the world becomes smaller, metaphorically, while our government and those that lobby it for their profit continue to get in our way. Every time we order a book online, watch a video on YouTube, read an article at the Wikipedia, or get into a flame war on a message board we are expressing our individuality which weakens the argument, viscerally, with a direct bio-feedback mechanism, for top-down central planning in the same way that the public school system conditioned many of us to set-aside our personal desires every time the bell rang signifying that class was over.
Well, we all know, intellectually, that socialism is dead. It's been dead since 1990 and the uprising in Moscow. It's death throes aren't pretty, sadly, but it is in decline, no matter how much money George Stephanopolous wants to put towards it.
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