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« Why I'm Letting My NRA Membership Lapse | Main | Kn@ppster: Practicing Libertarian Racism. »

14 June 2007


Diane MacRae

Tom, good to see you back. I didn't know you were blogging again until I saw you scolding Tom Knapp.

But, if any of you who actually read this are wondering why I've re-joined the general public it's because of one man.

Ron Paul.

Me, too. I'm not sure if I'll start blogging again, but I couldn't resist putting up some Ron Paul posts.



Tom L


Good to hear from you man. I checked in on UnfairWitness when I re-vamped this site a couple of weeks ago to my dismay.

Knapp needed to be put down for that reactionary bit of holier-than-thou crap. I'm hoping I can keep the energy up. Frankly that's what Trevor's for, he's got enough for 10 of us. Between SR, this, the AOL gig and my WoW addiction (not to mention ridiculous schedule) I'm hoping I can at least produce something of quality every once in a while

I'm cautiously excited for Dr. Paul's campaign. Do I think he's perfect? No. Do I think he's right enough about the really friggin big issues (like monetary policy) to obviate the things I disagree with him on? Absolutely.

That's the sum and substance of it and the libertarians who are more interested in ideological purity than seeing an opportunity for great things and capitalizing on it drive me to drink more than I enjoy.

Ron Paul has already done more to legitimize the concepts of liberty by standing up and speaking truth to power than Steve Kubby, Mike Badnarik or the rest of them ever will, not that they shouldn't be doing their thing, but for Knapp to do a drive-by smear as a means of trying to undermine that is self-defeating.


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