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13 June 2007


Tom L


That really was a 'home run' moment for Dr. Paul. I loved his moment on the Daily Show where he described 'corporatism' and called it 'evil,' in a kind of axiomatic/off-hand way. Those two appearances did wonders for him and the movement, by putting someone in front of the cameras who succinctly dispelled any number of statist myths witha sentence or two. I also love his moment where he shows great humility in saying that he has "so far' resisted the temptation to use governmental power to do his bidding. That humanity won him converts.

He really is beginning to kick ass.




I'm almost afraid to be optimistic, but I'm beginning to sense a strong undercurrent of support here, where all of these mainstream hosts are actually going to begin actively pumping the Paul candidacy.

I'm also starting to see it at the grassroots level too. A married couple I am good friends with, one of whom is very liberal and the other pretty moderate, told me last Sunday they'd never even heard of Ron Paul, but during the last Republican debate they were high-fiving each other when he spoke.

That's some heavy stuff right there.


God, I hate Bill Maher.

Not that that bit of information is particularly relevant to the post. I still think a Ron Paul nomination is a billion-to-one shot, but I'd rather be on the side of a billion-to-one shot because it's the right thing than back a lifelong hack like Rudy or McCain.

Tom L


I hate Bill Maher too, but if he's pimping Dr. Paul then I'll stomach him for a moment or two, and maybe, just maybe, forgive a few of his past transgressions.

As for the billion-to-one thing, I think the odds are slightly better than that, but you're right, I'd rather be on his side than anyone else's. Frankly, if he wasn't running I'd be putting a post together for SR right now... that's how much I think he helps give the process of change a boost.


Tom L

I think, btw, it's time to make up some Cafepress Bumper stickers with the title of this post on it.

I'll get to work on that now.




I'm no fan of Maher, either, though I have to admit he doesn't bother me as much as he used to. Probably because I just accept the fact that he has a particular schtick and product to sell, no different than someone like Ann Coulter. Just a coincidence they're good friends? Ha.

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