Stephan Gordon took my advice, and finally just, 'said something.' For the work he published over at Liberty for Sale, I'm glad I gave him that advice.
It's a great piece and not just because I feature prominently in it, though, that doesn't hurt. He makes his point explicitly clear here:
I don’t know Cindy’s political affiliation, but do know she writes for Lew Rockwell and lays it on the line in order to do her part to end this terrible war. That’s libertarian enough for me. I sympathize with Cindy for her loss, empathize with her for her cause, and I especially support her because I think of her as almost part of the family.
Check out the comments to the Tim Sale article Stephan quoted. Very reasonable and rational stuff. These are sentiments that get lost when we fight amongst ourselves to win a point but lose the game. Ray Roberts and Stephan Kuck of the LPF haven't learned that simple lesson. And you'll see that Patrick Dixon of the LP of Texas can't help but set his reservations aside in the face of one of hte biggest opportunities for his party since the presedential election.
I find it truly sad that there hasn't even been one mention of Mrs. Sheehan on either the LPF Ex.Comm. e-mail list or the newly-created 'Talk' list. No one over there is talking to each other because of digging their heels in over whether we should back IRV or Approval Voting.
Navel-Gazing Blow-Hards indeed.
Thanks for the plug Stephan, and thanks for standing up for what is right.