When I started this blog last summer I did so with a particular goal in mind. I wanted to get an article published on LRC. Simple and direct. I wanted to join the ranks of people whose work has had such a huge effect on my life in the past few years. Hubris? maybe. Mostly it was just a desire to see if I could do it. My thinking was that I needed to spend time putting words down on paper both to hone my rhetorical skills in a public setting and make the process habitual. I tend to flit from one interest/hobby to the next without becoming excellent at any one thing so creating the habit was of particular importance.
On top of that was the inherent doubt that I was writing anything of quality. So, my insecurity led me down this path, as opposed to just writing an article and then submitting it to Mr. Rockwell for his approval, where I started with nothing with nobody (save Capt. Charity Vain) in view. It was a big step for me, actually. I tend to not want to show people my work and am just uncomfortable with either praise or rejection. I was very careful when I was writing poetry, showing my work to only a few of my closest friends. So, with the blog started (and no earthly idea of how to promote it) I started putting words on the page.
After a two month hiatus, where I was getting no traffic whatsoever (In hindsight that was no shock... I had no presence anywhere else. One must do some amount of advertising to grab eyeballs.), I came back with a different approach. I decided to embrace the community and find my niche in it. I went in search of resources to promote my blog (Technorati, Feedburner, Blogshares), joined a blogging association, and *gasp* even at one point joined a tit-for-tat browsing community.One day I perused Blogger's list of 'Recently Updated Blogs' and found one called The Econoclast....
... and it all went down hill from there. I posted a couple of comments in his most excellent blog, and he began reading my work and constantly linking in to my site. For this I am both very grateful and humbled. He deserves a lot of credit for the amount of traffic I get here (Thanks John!).
Some other people who have done my a great service are Tex at UnfairWitness, Tom Knapp at Knappster and the Libertarian Jackass, who picked up one of my articles about Tom Palmer's smear tactics and brought a boatload of eyeballs here.
This Oscar speech is important because without that kind of positive feedback (accurate pricing information) I would never have gotten the courage to finally e-mail Lew Rockwell yesterday for his submission requirements. I am many things: libertarian, husband, egoist, ex-smoker/bassist/poet, bad drummer, consummate asshole, to scratch the surface. But, one thing I am not is confident of my ability to produce quality. I don't mind wasting my time noodling and experimenting, but I'm acutely sensitive to wasting other's with my doing so.
With all that said, I'd like to welcome those of you who have come here from this morning's piece at LRC, and welcome back my (all 3 of you)normal readership. Now, I just have to figure out how to keep the first group of y'all coming back!
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