I found Tom Wood's controversial book de jour, and spent a good amount of time perusing it. It was definately a fun read, if a little superficial, which was it's intended purpose. At the same time, it was not what I was looking for. I can get similar levels of analysis daily from the various internet sites I read, I didn't see the point in plunking down 20FRNs for it.
So, I went into the U.S. History section to find a reasonably well-written (and fair) account of the 1850-1865 period in the U.S. and, frankly I couldn't find one that wasn't the typical public school redux of the events into a simple slavery vs. non-slavery interpretation. My goal was to find a book that focused on the issues of the day, with a solid timeline of events both on the battlefield and off, without the hand-wringing of the North's burden and vilification of the South's real motivations.
In the end I wound up not even picking up a hardcover of the Stephen Donaldson book I'd found for $4.98 that I knew Capt. Charity Vain would appreciate. I guess I'll just have to keep searching.