51) Sleeper -- Funniest of Woody Allen's movies... "...but they all ate organic Rice?!" Truer words were never spoken.
52) The Sound of Music -- Julie Andrews... yum!
53) American Graffitti -- Don't worry, Episodes I and II are not on the list.
54) Kill Bill -- That Tarantino guy simply loves movies, all movies, and how can you not respect that.
55) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon -- A Taiwanese 'Unforgiven,' wrapped around a heartbreaking love story.
56) The Killer -- John Woo's best film. Period.
57) The Return of the King -- This may rise in two weeks after the EE comes out. "My friends, you bow to no one." There's a lesson there.
58) LA Confidential -- even Kim Basinger was good in this movie.
59) Minority Report -- Timely, if a little uneven, adaptation of Philip K. Dick's great story.
60) Beauty and the Beast -- Without a doubt the cream of the Disney crop.
61) High Plains Drifter -- If the Chronicles of Riddick had used this as it's basis and not David Lynch's Dune, they would've had something. Iconic Clint.
62) Clerks -- The very best amateur film I've ever seen. Proof positive that you don't need techinical talent or great actors to make a great movie... first, you need great dialogue.
63) Resovoir Dogs -- Speaking of great Dialogue...
64) Princess Bride -- hmmm.. I'm sensing a trend here.
65) The Wizard of Oz -- Had to make the list somewhere.
66) Witness -- Peter Weir's most consistent film.
67) Animal House -- Any movie I know almost all of the dialogue to has to make the favorite flicks list.
68) Life of Brian -- I was in my third year of High School Latin when I saw this the first time. I literally peed my pants.
69) Roshomon -- I have a love for the mechanisms of storytelling, and Roshomon pushes every one of my post-modern urges. Of course, Toshiro Mifune doesn't hurt either.
70) Apocalypse Now -- Nothing more to be said that hasn't been said before. Skip the 'Redux.'
71) Rollerball (1973) -- The best example of 1970's Science Fiction in film. Anti-authoritarian and powerful.
72) Aladdin -- Great fun. Great songs. Great Movie.
73) The Two Towers -- The most uneven of the three LoTR films. The Extended Cut improves the story but ruins the pace.
74) Who Framed Roger Rabbit -- A technical marvel, and the best Ralph Bakshi movie he never made.
75) When Harry Met Sally -- Not a great movie, but one that has so many echoes with my own life that leaving it off the list would be dishonest.
The Grand Finale soon....